Category: FAQ

FAQ – Is BTR AMP a Subscription Based App?

Q: Is BTR AMP a subscription-based app? A: BTR AMP is a paid app that offers both a ONE TIME PAYMENT option (Lifetime Pro) and a PAY AS YOU GO

BTR AMP – FAQ – Library – How do I fix my broken compilation album?

Background BTR AMP creates Albums based on the following metadata (i.e., ID3 tags) from your audio file(s): ALBUM_NAME, ALBUM_ARTIST, FOLDER_PATH If your audio files have a blank/empty ALBUM_ARTIST field, BTR

BTR AMP – FAQ – Connect – How do I use the Custom URL Scheme to initiate a Download Synchronization?

Version 10.1 introduced support for a Custom URL Scheme and an operation that can be initiated via that scheme: starting a download synchronization. If you are regularly grabbing all new